Ein älteres Jaar joggt zusammen am Strand.

Rund ums Laufen

Egal ob Nordic Walking, Laufen oder zur Abwechslung mal Trailrunning, im Sommer sind diese Sportarten an der frischen Luft besonders im Trend. Erfahren Sie alles über die richtige Methodik, Fehler, das richtige Schuhwerk usw.

Themen im Magazin

Oma, Mutter und Tochter sitzen auf dem Boden und trommeln.


drum, baby, mother, grandmother, music, musical instrument, people, family, parents, grandparents, sitting, home, generations, window, toy, learning, smiling, playing, practicing, relaxed, Joy, cheerful, enjoyment, happiness, content, leisure, together, Harmony, Noise, Fun, bonding, wooden floor, living room, sunshine, sunbeam, indoor, portrait, day, casual clothing, Care, Enjoyment, drumstick, relaxation, domestic life, carefree, togetherness, one parent, sitting on ground, Lens Flare, baby girls, mid adult woman, senior women, three people, 12-17 months, 35-39 years, 60-64 years, caucasian appearance, daughter, family with one child, granddaughter, Germany, Indulgence, floor, room, light beam, Backlit, Adults, woman, group of people, Small Group of People, mid adult, 30-40 years, senior adults, 60-70 years, child, grandchild, Photography, Color Image, drum, baby, mother, grandmother, music, musical instrument, people, family, parents, grandparents, sitting, home, generations, window, toy, learning, smiling, playing, practicing, relaxed, Joy, cheerful, enjoyment, happiness, content, leisure, together, Harmony, Noise, Fun, bonding, wooden floor, living room, sunshine, sunbeam, indoor, portrait, day, casual clothing, Care, Enjoyment, drumstick, relaxation, domestic life, carefree, togetherness, one parent, sitting on ground, Lens Flare, baby girls, mid adult woman, senior women, three people, 12-17 months, 35-39 years, 60-64 years, caucasian appearance, daughter, family with one child, granddaughter, Germany, Indulgence, floor, room, light beam, Backlit, Adults, woman, group of people, Small Group of People, mid adult, 30-40 years, senior adults, 60-70 years, child, grandchild, Photography, Color Image

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